
As stated on www.qld.gov.auQueensland Health is continuing to work with the Australian Border Force to screen anyone who returns to Australia from overseas for symptoms of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and provide them with information on self-quarantine.

If you have been overseas in the last 14 days and are feeling unwell*, call your doctor immediately.

If you have been overseas and are feeling well, you need to self-quarantine for 14 days from the date you arrived in Australia.

You must also self-quarantine if you have been in close contact with someone who already has novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

While you’re self-quarantining, if you start to feel unwell and develop any symptoms at all*, but especially a fever or shortness of breath, a cough or a respiratory illness, you should seek immediate medical attention. Call ahead to your GP and tell them your travel history.

*Anyone who meets this criteria is eligible for Telehealth Services.  

Further information

Australian Government website

Health Direct Self-Isolation FAQs

Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) website

Department of Health – Information About Home Isolation When Unwell Suspected or Confirmed Cases


Mental health resources

The outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 has impacted people in varying ways on an international scale. It is understandable that during times like this, people may be feeling afraid, worried, anxious and overwhelmed by the constantly changing alerts and media coverage regarding the spread of the virus.  While it is important to stay informed, the below websites offer mental health and wellbeing tips and strategies so that we may continue looking after ourselves and each other during these difficult times.

Head to Health website

Lifeline 131114

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

MensLine Australia 1300 789 978

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

headspace 1800 650 890